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Taste and See...

Toby licking.jpg

This month marks the one year anniversary that we got back from China with our curious little boy. His name is Tobiah. The reason we love the name Tobiah is because of its deep meaning. According to the name Tobiah or “Toby” as we like to call him, is a Hebrew name that means “YAHWEH (the Lord) is good.” On another website, we are told that people with this name have a deep inner need for silence. Did I mention he’s Deaf? Along with this inner silence, it goes on to say they also have a desire to understand the world they live in and to learn the deeper truths. Who knows…maybe he’ll be an engineer or a theologian? Poor kid! I hope I don’t disappoint him.

So when I thought about what I could talk about today, the only thing that came to mind was the goodness of God. Maybe it’s because we just celebrated Christmas but I think it mostly has to do with the fact that God has placed this beautiful little boy on my heart and in my life.

This year, God has taught our family so much about His goodness. We have been introduced to incredible people (servants of God) who have modeled God’s goodness. We have seen God’s goodness manifested in other’s lives through suffering and heartache. We’ve also received God’s goodness through the generosity of His people. Mostly we’ve been reminded of His goodness through this journey of adopting Toby. The Lord truly is good...even when we don't see it.

The picture attached to this post was taken right after we got Toby’s Visa. I think it will always be one of my favorites. It not only marked his American citizenship, it reminded me that he’s ours! It's official! We went on an incredible adventure to bring him home, and now, he is finally in our arms. It looks like he’s saying, “Excuse me waiter…I think this strange man needs a bit more salt!” Perhaps he was just checking me out to see if it's all real. “Could these people really love me this much? How is it possible? I’m just going taste him to find out for myself!”

Anyway, there’s a verse in the Bible that tells us to do the same thing. When I see this picture of Toby licking my face, I think about it. It says,“Taste and see that the LORD is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!” (Psalm 34:8) God really wants us to check Him out. He’s been on an incredible adventure of His own. Like Toby, we were separated from a forever family with no hope. As our family set out on this adventure to bring Toby into our home, God reminded us over and over again that it’s His goodness that brought us into HIS forever family. Our Creator is perfect, but He’s asking us to check things out for ourselves. Go ahead...taste Him. I’ve got a feeling you will discover just how much you’re loved...and He's never going to let you go. “Taste and see…that the Lord is good!”

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