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Have you ever experienced jealousy over someone else’s apparent happiness? It’s like a four-year old going to his friend's birthday party. The only person happy in that situation is the kid opening up all the presents. Last year, as a “mature” adult, I found myself experiencing the same kind of jealousy. As I was boarding an airplane on my way home from a conference, the flight attendant started playing a song about happiness. Like most people in the world, I’m sure you’ve probably heard the catchy tune. Interesting enough, it's called, HAPPY! She then encouraged everybody to get up and start dancing in the aisle. It actually sounded fun. Now normally, I would be all over an offer like that. Just ask my family. I'm one of "those guys" who can break out in spontanious dance at the drop of a hat, but today was different. The people who immediately got up to dance all looked so…perfect. There was a business man wearing an expensive suit, a couple on their honey moon who looked like Ken & Barbie and a mother dancing with her kids. They ALL looked like models. At one point, I honestly thought someone was on the plane filming a Pharrell Williams music video. It wasn’t shyness that kept me from dancing on that day…it was jealousy. I felt like that four-year old guest at a friend’s birthday party. They all looked so happy and perfect…and I simply did not like that.

Have you ever felt that way? This is the tension we all feel when we approach the subject of happiness. Life isn't fair. It always seems to be tilted in the advantage of some people, but the rest of us get the raw end of the deal. While you have to work to make a dollar, some people just seem to have thousands of dollars thrown at them. While you have to work for your good grades and good looks, others seem to have straight A's and perfect hair with very little effort. The happiest people in the world seem to be the ones who have it all together.

But here’s something I want you to consider. A Christ-follower’s happiness comes from a different Source. As a matter of fact, our circumstances actually have very little to do with our happiness. For example, listen to what the Apostle Paul wrote while sitting in a jail cell. He said,“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4) Interesting! His happiness wasn’t dependant on his surroundings and he definitely wasn’t jealous of the people he was writing to. His joy came from the Lord. The presence of God was all he needed. He was filled with joy because he was filled with Jesus. Jesus Christ was his eternal hope and the center of his life. It really makes perfect sense. Jesus said, “I have told you these things so that you will be filled with My joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!” (John 15:11) I know Jesus was talking to His disciples when He said those words, but I’ve often wondered if He wasn't thinking about us as well. Don't be jealous. He’s always had us in His mind and heart. When He prayed for His disciples, He was thinking about us too. (John 17:20) Happy? If not, there’s plenty of happiness to go around. Fill your life with Jesus. Trust Him. Believe Him. Then you’ll have a great reason to get up and dance.


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