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Arnold Palmer, Homer Simpson and the Presidential Debate

The Simpsons new episode "Monty Burns Fleeing Circus" featured a joke about Arnold Palmer and it aired on the day of his death.(@KIRKNAWROTZKY/TWITTER/FOX)

In this volatile political season, we have seen so many accusations hurled around by political candidates and their surrogates. "This person is can't be trusted!" "They are above the law!" "As a business man, he took advantage of people." "As a politician, she abused the legal system." I know...we have to hear this stuff for at least another month. The first Presidential Debate is tonight and in honor of the golf legend, my plan is to drink an Arnold Palmer every time I hear the words "Unfit" "Unhinged" "Unqualified" and Untrustworthy." Unfortunately, it's hard to imagine one debate changing much. They're all corrupt. They know it. We all know it. It seems to win the Presidency, all you have to do is look a little "less corrupt" than the other person. If you ask me, the political system in this country is jacked up. Where's Jack Ryan or Jack Bauer when you need them?

OK...forget the Jacks for a moment. What both of these candidates really need is a good dose of old fashioned Arnold Palmer. His obituary read today, "It has been said that people would rather see Arnold Palmer score an 80 than other golfers in the low 60's...He was a classic example of the American dream, an ordinary country boy who became world famous, but who never lost the common touch...He set standards of sportsmanship and behavior that were to guide the conduct of his profession." Wow! In my opinion, this is exactly what our two UN-candidates need...behavior that guides the conduct of their profession. I would like to "Arnold Palmer" both of them. That's a phrase Homer Simpson coined last night on the Simpson's season premiere when he coincidently referenced the late famed golfer. I know Homer wasn't referencing the debates, but it sure sounded fun. I'm having visions of the debate moderator, Lester Holt getting so frustrated with both candidates tonight that he stands up, casually walks to the podiums and drenches them with a super soaker filled with iced tea and lemonade. Now that would get "HUGE" ratings!

As much as I wish our next President could be a little bit more like Arnold Palmer, I realize that's probably not going to happen this year. What I am confident of is this. God is in control. He is the one who places people in authority (Psalm 75:7)...and He doesn't even need a super soaker. He wants us to pray for those who are in authority (1 Timothy 2:1-2) obey them by showing honor and respect (Romans 13:1, 7) We should also pray that God gives them wisdom where it is greatly needed. “He changes times and seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.” (Daniel 2:21)

So I'm going to attempt to watch the debate tonight...along with 100 million other people. I'll be sipping on my sweet tea and lemonade, praying that I can be more optimistic about our political system and hoping to see a little more class up on that stage. Don't laugh! Anything's possible. While both candidates are desperately flawed, they can change. We are all works in progress. Besides, it was Arnold Palmer who said, "The road to success is always under construction."

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