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October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Even though I'm at a new church, my desk is covered with encouraging letters; fresh baked goodies and several Starbucks gift cards. (What's up with Pastors and coffee?) I really don't think I've been at this church long enough to deserve appreciation...but I like it. :) To truly be appreciated is a wonderful thing.

No offense to everyone who gave me gift cards to Starbucks, but my favorite gift this month was a Star Wars t-shirt from my buddy Kurt. We both love Star Wars, and if you really want to know where I'm going to be at 9:30 pm on December 17, 2015...just ask Kurt. That's the opening date for the newest Star Wars movie. Chances are, Kurt will be right there beside me, showing off our matching t-shirts. Kurt genuinely appreciates me. He has shown me this kind of appreciation for over 10 years. I can always count on Kurt to celebrate birthdays, holidays and insignificant victories of sports teams he doesn't even like. Kurt has taught me so much about friendship and the need to show appreciation. Sometimes, it's those little acts of gratitude (like Kurt's) that make me think about what God has done for me.

I never understood why some Christians are so opposed to showing appreciation. I’ve also met several Christian leaders who really have a hard time receiving appreciation from others. I guess these people think showing or receiving appreciation is nothing more than a childish need for praise and accomplishment. Perhaps others think this kind of appreciation takes the focus off of God and brings unnecessary attention to them. But think about what showing appreciation really is. Ultimately, it should be about having a spirit of gratitude towards God. How can we be opposed to something Jesus encouraged?

Maybe you've read the account recorded in Luke chapter 17. "As Jesus continued on toward Jerusalem, He reached the border between Galilee and Samaria. As He entered a village there, ten lepers stood at a distance, crying out, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” He looked at them and said, “Go show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed of their leprosy." Think about what it must have been like to be healed from this horrible skin disease. Can you imagine having infected, itchy boils all over your skin; separated from your community and loved ones for years, then all of a sudden, it's gone? No more pain, no more itching, no more fear of death. You'd think all ten of them would show appreciation for what Jesus had done, but look what happened next: "One of them, when he saw that he was healed, came back to Jesus, shouting, “Praise God!” He fell to the ground at Jesus’ feet, thanking Him for what He had done. This man was a Samaritan."

(Side note) I love how Jesus always reminds us that the person who did the "right thing" was a Samaritan. He did the same thing in Luke 10:25-37 in the parable of the Good Samaritan. It was almost as if He was saying, “…and by the way, the guy who did the right thing wasn't the religious person who you'd expect to respond properly. It was the outsider who showed appreciation."

Look at what Jesus went on to say. “'Didn’t I heal ten men? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?' And Jesus said to the man, 'Stand up and go. Your faith has healed you.'" At first glance, it seems as if Jesus has a selfish need to be recognized for His good work. Still today, many religious leaders would be more troubled by Jesus' response to the nine than by their apparent lack of gratitude. These religious leaders won't admit it, but they have some serious questions. "Instead of celebrating ONE person's appreciation, why didn't Jesus celebrate the NINE obedient men going to the priests like He asked? They were only following His orders. Wouldn't turning back be a sign of disobedience? Why would Jesus feel the need to be thanked?" I think the answer is simple. If we want to experience MORE of God's blessings, we need to show appreciation for the blessings we already have.

Think about it. Many years ago on a dusty border town road outside of Samaria, TEN men walked away physically healed of a horrible disease, but ONLY ONE received a spiritual blessing that came from a grateful, faith-filled heart. Only ONE gave glory to God. God deserves His glory. Isn’t that the point? I’m not comparing t-shirts and gift cards to a physical healing from the hand of God, but doesn’t God deserve all the glory…in all things? Has God blessed you? Do you appreciate all the rich blessings in life that have come from His mighty hand? If you are grateful for all of those things (and I'm sure you are) doesn't it make sense to thank Him for the forgiveness of our sins? What does this kind of appreciation do? It places ALL of the attention on HIM. My friend, ALL blessings come from the hand of God.

(That includes gift cards and t-shirts)

Don't hesitate showing more appreciation to others...especially obedient, servant-hearted Pastors who faithfully carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pastors, don't be shy about receiving appreciation from others.... especially if you are being obedient and giving all the glory to God. He's the One you are serving anyway. The writer of Hebrews said, "Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakable, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping him with holy fear and awe." (Hebrews 12:28) ​ As a pastor, I truly want my service to God to be an act of worship. When you show appreciation to others, your gratitude should also be an act of worship to God. When we really understand gratitude the way God wants us to, it gives us a sense of duty to live our lives in such a way that is pleasing to God and places all of the attention on Him. As Christ-followers, our responsibility is to see God as the true Giver of all blessings and to be grateful for ALL He has done.

Thanks Kurt, for being a great friend and for faithfully showing your appreciation to me all these years. Your generosity helps me recognize my duty as a servant of God and reminds me to be thankful for what I have been given in Christ. The force is strong with you my friend!

Have you told your pastor thank you this month? You have one more day! Here’s a suggestion. Tonight or tomorrow, dress up like a favorite character from Star Wars and show up at your pastor’s front door. Instead of saying “Trick or Treat!” say “Hey Pastor…I appreciate you.” Then drop a Starbucks gift card on him. If he’s anything like me, he’ll love it.

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